10 Best Practices to Supercharge your Employee Experience
Creating a positive Employee Experience is one of your company's strategic challenges. An engaged and happy workforce leads to better recruiting, lower turnover, and improved productivity. This guide gives you 10 best practices to supercharge your employee experience.
Nurture the onboarding experience
Let employees know that you care about them as individuals and not just as a number on the team roster. Give them welcome gifts and messages, introduce them to other people in the organization who will help them acclimate in their first week, and let them know how much you value their contributions.
If employees have questions about where things are located or who they should talk with about certain issues in their first week, make sure they get answers quickly.
Provide them with resources like training materials or an employee handbook that explains what's expected from everyone involved in that particular. Information is key.
Create quick and easy access to information
Information is usually hard to find in most companies. It is frustrating for employees who need to spend time finding the right information or process.
Providing quick and direct access to information has proven to reduce frustrations and improve the overall employee experience
There are many ways that you can provide quick and easy access to information in your business, all these ways have one thing in common, they are self-accessed.
Providing a company portal where employees can browse and open new requests when needed is great for employees. Portals can also integrate Virtual Assistants that can integrate workflows on top of answering frequently asked questions.
Foster a culture of learning and development
Learning is at the core of any great workplace, so it's important to make sure your team has what they need in order to keep growing and advancing their skills. This could be as simple as making sure that new hires are equipped with the right tools for the job, but it can also mean providing training that helps employees get better at their jobs or learn new ones.
For example, many companies offer tuition reimbursement programs to help employees pursue additional education or certification in areas where they can be more valuable to the company. Other companies may offer internal workshops on topics like leadership development or customer service skills.
These workshops can help workers hone their abilities while also helping them connect with other members of their team and feel more engaged with their job overall.
Look at what motivates your employees
When you're trying to supercharge your employee experience, it's important to look at what motivates your employees.
Why? Because if you don't know what they're looking for, how can you give it to them?
You can do informal interviews or send out surveys—just make sure you ask about the things that matter most to your employees.

Few employee informal interview questions:
- What do they want from their job?
- What makes them feel like they've done good work?
- What activities do they like doing outside of work that translate over into their professional lives?
Once you have a sense of what your employees are thinking and feeling, you'll be able to create a better experience for them—and get more out of them in return!
Treat employees with empathy
When employees are treated with empathy, it helps them feel valued and respected. We all need to feel like we matter in our workplace because we deliver value and we are important for the company. Showing empathy allows the employer to create a better working environment for their employees by understanding what they need in order to thrive at work.
Facilitate regular communication
A healthy communication system allows employees to know that they can rely on their managers and co-workers to keep them in the loop about what's happening in their organization, as well as what's expected of them. You can organize regular meetings between the different teams or propose workshops that will improve relations and communication within your company.
Create new challenges
Employees are most engaged when they're learning and growing, and the best way to do that is by creating new challenges for them. This doesn't have to mean a promotion or a raise; it could be as simple as giving them a project that requires them to learn something new in order to compete.
This can be as easy as having them write an article on a topic they're unfamiliar with or having them give a presentation on something they've never done before in front of their peers. The trick is to come up with tasks that will stretch your employees' abilities while also challenging them in ways they haven't been challenged before.
Create clear goals and pathways for advancement
They need to know what they're working towards, and how they can get there so that they feel like their hard work is paying off.
It's essential to show your employee that you trust them, by giving them more freedom over what they do on a day-to-day basis. If you give them a chance to be innovative, they'll take pride in their work, which will make them want to do a better job for you!
Focus on employees' strengths
By focusing on what makes your employees special and helping them develop those strengths, you will enable them to feel more fulfilled and appreciated at work. They'll also be able to perform better because they're taking advantage of their natural talents.
Make flexibility a given
Flexible work arrangements are a big deal, and they're becoming more important as millennials enter the workforce. But they aren't just important for the younger generation: flexible work arrangements are one of the best ways to keep your employees engaged, productive, and happy.